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Vantage Point Recovery Blog - Page 5

Can You Trust Your Memories? The Truth About False Memory Syndrome

March 16th, 2021 - Read more

If false memory syndrome sounds familiar to you, chances are you heard it mentioned in the media at some point. There are various occurrences strongly associated with false memories, some insignificant and others very important. This leads us to question just how trustworthy memories are. Where were you when the planes hit the Twin Towers …

Filed Under: Mental Health

How Is A Personality Disorder Different From A Mood Disorder?

February 23rd, 2021 - Read more

Are you concerned that you or a loved one are struggling with a personality disorder? You may have heard the term thrown around, especially when discussing people who have problematic relationships. But what is a personality disorder and how does it differ from a mood disorder? What does personality disorder treatment look like? What is …

Filed Under: Personality Disorders

How Does Mindfulness Therapy Affect Your Memories?

February 13th, 2021 - Read more

When I started mindfulness therapy, there was a lot I did not like about it. The idea of living in the moment sounded okay, but what about the moments I did not want to live in? There had been all too many of those in my life. Mindfulness therapy threatened to bring them back up, …

Filed Under: Mindfulness

When Is Shyness Actually Social Anxiety? These Are the Symptoms:

January 31st, 2021 - Read more

If you have always been called shy by others, chances are you consider it to be a part of your personality. Some people certainly prefer to be more quiet than others. But often, shyness is an indicator of social anxiety. The good news is that there are excellent treatments for social anxiety disorders. Even if …

Filed Under: Anxiety

Why Somatic Therapy Is Becoming The New Normal In Psychology

January 16th, 2021 - Read more

If you have sought therapy over the past few years, chances are you have heard of somatic therapy. Traditionally, we tended to separate physical health and mental health. Even as we knew that chemical imbalances had a huge impact on mental health, therapy stuck mainly to the realm of the mind. Somatic therapies subvert that …

Filed Under: Therapy

Mental Health Checklist For 2021

January 5th, 2021 - Read more

2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. COVID-19 has caused illness and loss of lives, triggered an economic recession, led to the loss of millions of jobs, and left us all reeling. We are all hoping for so much more in 2021. Of course, we need to be realistic. The calendar is only a means …

Filed Under: Mental Health

Mental Health Checklist For The Holidays

December 17th, 2020 - Read more

The holiday season can be a very happy time. Family gets together, people become a little bit kinder, and you get some time off work. In theory, no time of year could be better. However, in reality, the holidays can be a difficult time for many people in terms of mental health. In 2024, we …

Filed Under: Mental Health

How I Knew I’d Hit Rock Bottom

November 18th, 2020 - Read more

The worst day of my life was a Tuesday. That’s important. It’s important because nothing is supposed to happen on a Tuesday. You’re supposed to get up, maybe hit the gym, go to work, come home, and eat dinner with your family. It’s supposed to be entirely predictable. But on a Tuesday, I was arrested …

Filed Under: Addiction

About That Time I Became The Messiah

November 12th, 2020 - Read more

It was around 5 years ago that I realized I was the Messiah. As a Jewish American Princess (JAP), the revelation came with a particular satisfaction. That term had always been used about people like me in such a derogatory way, as if we weren’t proper Jews because we were female and participated in the …

Filed Under: Bipolar Disorder

How My Worst Major Depressive Episode Felt

October 20th, 2020 - Read more

A major depressive episode is difficult to understand from the outside. Even for those of us who have gone through a major depressive episode, it can be tough to put it into words. A few years back, I was suffering from a mild but persistent depression. Although I had been taking medication for almost a …

Filed Under: Depression