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Self Compassion Meditation 101: Part 2

September 15th, 2014 - Read more

Part 1 offered tips on how to be more kind and caring toward yourself. These tips were suggested by the researcher, Kristin Neff PhD. In particular, Neff confirms that by cultivating self-compassion and self-kindness, one’s motivation to live more fully increases. In addition, positive changes happen in the physiology of the body and mind. Below …

Filed Under: Meditation Practice, Mental Health, Spirituality

Self Compassion Meditation 101: Part 1

September 13th, 2014 - Read more

According to the researcher, Kristin Neff PhD, humans have two systems. The first one is the old reptilian fight or flight system that releases cortisol and adrenaline and stress into the body. Even though this system is necessary at times for physical survival, when it is used for psychological survival, it most often promotes dis-ease. …

Filed Under: Meditation Practice, Spirituality