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4 Steps To Letting Go Of Resentment

August 12th, 2020 - Read more

“Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.” We all harbor resentment towards someone, and resentment often feels justified. We get caught up in obsessive thoughts about how the person has hurt us. We fantasize getting back at them. The possibility that their treatment of us will go unpunished seems unbearable. …

Filed Under: Negativity

What is Minority Stress?

January 16th, 2018 - Read more

People who are members of a group that is stigmatized by mainstream society may be more vulnerable to psychological distress known as minority stress. This type of issue can occur due to internalizing stigmatization along with having poor social support and in some cases low socioeconomic status. More commonly people experience minority stress in response …

Filed Under: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Negativity, Psychotherapy

Overcoming Negative Thinking and Improving Your Mental Health

December 15th, 2016 - Read more

Attitude can be seen, heard, and felt. Whether it is positive or negative, a person’s attitude is hard to hide because so many factors attribute to attitude, including behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. A positive attitude can be associated with a smile and happiness while a negative attitude with sadness or anxiety. Standing with your arms …

Filed Under: Negativity