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The Winning Trifecta for Lifelong Self-Care

A healthier body leads us to a happier mind…and life.

When we actively take care of our bodies, it absolutely and positively affects our happiness. Have you been working out, but then eat junk food? Or focusing on the environment and your thoughts, but not your body? Taking care of your body is actually one of the most important steps to creating sustainable happiness. The three essential components of good self-care are meditation, physical activity, and acting like a happy person.

Here is a fantastic quote by Buddha:

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”.

Meditation allows us to observes the present moment as a witness,  because we are detaching judgment from it in practice. It allows us to build trust within ourselves, our lives, and have faith that things will work out in the long run. While meditating we are open to life as if viewing it with a newness likened to a beginner’s mind.

Physical activity is a way to maintain control over our bodies when we choose to honor, celebrate, or change it by working out. Ultimately, we are working toward personal improvement, whether that is getting a better body shape or building up your endurance.

Acting like a happy person is probably the most simple but not always easiest of these three components. It is scientifically proven that acting one way can actually make you start being that way. In other words, emotions follow actions.

Flipping the Golden Rule to Care For Ourselves

We’ve probably all heard the Golden Rule at one time or another – treat others as you would like to be treated. Have you ever considered flipping the rule though, and treating yourself the way you treat others? Southern Methodist University student Lauren Bagwell explores the idea of revolutionizing the way we talk, think, and treat ourselves in order to prioritize health body image and mental wellness. Bagwell delves into her own experience with an eating disorder and her use of spoken word to encourage others dealing with similar challenges.

Here are some tips to incorporate meditation, physical activity, and acting like a happy person into your everyday life:

  • Meditate: Trying meditating 5-10 minutes daily. In the beginning, this can be simply sitting distraction-free focusing on your breath. There are great websites and classes that you can take to learn how to meditate, but start slow and be patient with yourself. As you become more proficient, actively start incorporating more time or additional periods of practice in your schedule.
  • Physical Activity: Instead of driving to the train station every morning or taking the elevator at work, start walking to it to the tracks or using the stairs. Find at least 30 minutes a day where you can go for a walk, go to the gym, or take a zumba, yoga, or boxing class to keep you active.
  • Acting Like A Happy Person: When you feel yourself frowning or pouting simply turn it around and start smiling. You are not approachable when you are frowning so actively remember this tip. Remember, if you do not see a smile on the person facing you, give them yours.


By Lisa Cypers Kamen
If you are reading this on any blog other than Vantage Point Recovery, it is stolen content without credit.
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