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Refresh Your Body with a 5-Day Whole Foods Cleanse

It takes a lot of attention and conscious choices to avoid adding toxins to our lives. Most of us are probably aware of common sources of toxins, like pesticides on our food or air pollution, but there are sneaky toxins too: in our tap water; in the packaging of processed foods; in the preservatives in our toiletries; and, even, to some degree, in the organic foods we eat (due to commercial farming practices). In human culture, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the intake of at least some level of toxins. A detox diet gives your body a chance to catch-up and flush-out the junk that has built up over time. A whole foods cleanse is a great place to start, as it’s not as restrictive as some programs like juicing or raw foods. With a little weekend planning, you can easily make a Monday-through-Friday cleanse to “spring clean” your inner body!

The 5-Day Whole Foods Cleanse

Whole foods are foods in their simplest form. In other words, it has only one ingredient (or it doesn’t have a package leaving no ingredient list at all!) A chicken breast is a whole food. Chicken soup is not. Brown rice is a whole food. Pasta is not. By cooking your own meals, you can make clean versions of your favorite dishes and clean your body from the inside out. Challenge yourself to 5 days of only eating whole foods and you will feel the difference! If you want to read more about the Whole Foods Diet, click here (http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/the-whole-foods-diet), or keep reading for a breakdown of the cleanse rules:


Lots of fruits and vegetables
Whole, unprocessed grains
Nuts and seeds
Lean meats
Fish and shellfish
Clean oils (olive, coconut, avocado, nut oils)
Herbal teas
At least 8 glasses of water per day
Organic whenever possible


Packaged foods
Processed foods
Caffeinated drinks
Processed oils (canola, soy based, vegetable)
Note: It helps to ease your body into a cleanse. If you are a big caffeine drinker, gradually decrease your intake the week before you start your cleanse to avoid withdrawal headaches and fatigue.

Have fun with your cleanse and get creative! Try some new recipes. Get your family or friends to do the cleanse with you, or even the whole office! This is definitely a challenge, especially if you’re used to eating a lot of fast food, frozen dinners, or restaurant food. Make your life easier and plan ahead. Dinner leftovers easily turn into a salad for the next day’s lunch. Pack a tupperware a night ahead to bring to work so you don’t get stuck while running out the door. An added perk is that you could end up saving some dollars from not eating out during the week. Happy cleansing!


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