Why is it so hard to have a “healthy” diet? We spend our time and money gobbling up health fads and diet foods in hopes that we’ll finally feel peace within our bodies, but at the end of the day we still live with stress and confusion. We listen to designated experts we’ve never met before we trust our own bodies. We’ve become so accepting of being uncomfortable, inside and out, that we dismiss the signals it sends to us. Through all this, there hope. There is a way to let go and heal our relationship with food. Relax, and be mindful. Try one of these tips this week to bring mindfulness into your meals.
Ways to Eat Mindfully:
- Pause to give gratitude before every meal
- Tune into your senses
- Slow down & savour
- Don’t skip meals
- Set the table and sit down to eat.
- Unplug: TV, laptop, phone etc
- Eat more vegetarian meals
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