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How to Ask for Help With Depression and Other Mental Illnesses

It’s not easy figuring out how to ask for help with depression and other mental illnesses.

The good news is that there is a tremendous amount of help available. Whatever mental condition symptoms you may be experiencing, there are mental health treatment providers eagerly waiting to assist you in overcoming any obstacles.

If you are like many people thinking of asking for help, you do not completely know how to reach out and start the process. There are at least five ways you can ask for help: searching online for treatment facilities or online counselors, talking to family and friends, establish a relationship with someone who has overcome mental illness and is in recovery, call a help line, or attend a support group. These are great resources to help you take your first step towards getting the help you need.

How to Ask for Help With Depression Online

There’s a lot of information about depression and other mental illnesses available online.

There’s also a lot of communities you can join and discuss your concerns. These communities will include like-minded people from all over the world, people struggling with mental conditions, and people who dedicate their life to the study and practice of depression treatment and general mental health treatment.

If you prefer to be seen by a counselor in person, seeking information online can still be quite beneficial. You can research local mental health counselors and read reviews on them to find out what others are saying regarding their counseling abilities.

Family and Friends

Your family and friends know you best. They may even be telling you to seek help because they are noticing differences in your personality. They are worried about you and want you to be happy. Take them up on their offer for help.

If they are offering to attend a counseling session with you, let them. If they want to check out a support group with you, that’s great. Your family and friends can benefit just as much as you can by seeking help.

They can learn how to be good listeners and when to offer advice. They can learn warning signs and what to do if they feel you are not making progress. They may even discover they have a mental health disorder and how they too can get help.


There are people out there, and you probably know them personally, who have dealt with mental illness and won. These acquaintances, or sponsors, make significant role models for you. Reach out to them and ask them for help in your journey.

Seeking help from those already in recovery from their mental illness allows you to benefit from their knowledge. They can hold you accountable and teach you what to do in times where you feel overwhelmed by the recovery process.

They can also guide you to the right professionals if needed. They can recommend a good Psychiatrist if you feel you may need medication. They can recommend a good counselor if you feel you need more than just a sponsor to help you overcome your mental illness.

Sponsors can also be there for you when your counselor or doctor can’t, like at 2 a.m. in the morning when a panic attack shows up unexpectedly. You may not want to call family or friends. They may make the panic attack worse. A sponsor, however, is an objective support who signed up for getting calls in the middle of the night and can talk to you until your panic attack or other mental health issue passes.

Help Lines

There is a 1-800 number for just about every mental health disorder. On the other end of these numbers are trained professionals ready to hear your issues and help you determine if you need further treatment.

If you are depressed, anxious, or even having suicidal thoughts, you can call anytime day or night and speak with a counselor. There are help lines for addiction, eating disorders, grief and many other illnesses. There are even specific mental health helplines just for teens, elderly, women, and men.

Do not be afraid to call. Even if you think your problems aren’t that bad, make the call. Have a counselor help you decide the seriousness of your issues. It doesn’t cost anything to call the hotline. So, why not give it a shot?

Support Groups

Just as there are hotlines for all mental illnesses, there are also support groups for every mental illness. Support groups are great for meeting others who are experiencing similar issues. If you have depression, attending a depression support group is a wonderful way to seek help.

Each member of a support group has a great deal of information to offer. They can share their experiences, what they learned in counseling, and other tips and tricks to overcome mental health issues.

Members of a support group can offer encouragement and inspiration. They understand your situation and can truly relate to your story.

Many support groups offer step by step instructions to guide you through your journey of healing. Alcoholics Anonymous is a good example of a program that uses steps to help you maintain recovery. Like this is a group called Emotions Anonymous and a group called Over Eaters Anonymous.

Doing a little bit of online research will help you find the support groups in your neighborhood. If there aren’t any nearby that meet your exact needs, start one yourself. It is very likely there are others near you who could benefit from attending the same group.

While there are more than five ways to help, you seek help for a mental illness, these are excellent options to get you started. Choose the best way for you, the one that makes you comfortable, that motivates you to continue your journey to positive mental health. Ask for help today and start leading the happy life you deserve.