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Hope, Anxiety, and Awareness – Mental Health Weekly

Focusing on hope to overcome addiction, reducing anxiety, and mental health awareness – Here’s what’s popular on the blog this week.

5 Musicians Advocating Mental Health Awareness

It’s not uncommon for creative people to use their medium to promote a cause or advocate awareness. In this article, you’ll discover five rap artists who have regularly advocated mental health awareness in the past.

Demi Lovato Talks Mental Health During DNC Speech

Demi Lovato took advantage of the opportunity to touch on mental health awareness dueing her DNC speed. Check it out to learn more.

7 Tips for Reducing Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety, you now how derailing it can be when you experience a panic attach. Here are seven tips to help reduce your anxiety without medication.

Here’s How to Overcome Addiction with Hope

The road to recovery is a long, winding road on which most travel alone. It can be scary. It can be depressing. By shifting your mindset away from the negative feelings, you may just be able to motivate yourself to stay on that road, no matter how long it is. Focusing on hope instead of fear of failure may be just what you need to overcome your addiction.