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Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment May Help With Recovery

If you have Borderline Personality Disorder, you may experience some ups and downs in your life. This is partly because of the distortions in perspective that a person with this illness can have, such as seeing situations in black and white or blaming others for situations that may be their own fault. Borderline Personality Disorder is not an easy psychological illness to have. And because of the difficulties a person with this illness can have, they may turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to manage symptoms. However, there are healthier ways to manage this illness, which is what borderline personality disorder treatment can do.

Borderline Personality Disorder is an illness that includes many deeply ingrained and often unhealthy traits in a person’s personality. There are 10 distinct types of personality disorders. Borderline Personality Disorder is one where a person has a constant experience of instability in their self-image. In other words, they tend to have negative and distorted views of themselves, along with feelings of low self-worth that can impair one’s relationships, performance at work, and personal life. Those with this illness might easily become argumentative, moody, impulsive, and adversarial. They might display unpredictable behavior, act in compulsive ways, and have sudden angry outbursts. Here are some additional symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder:

  • Risk-taking and reckless behaviors, such as sexual promiscuity, reckless driving, substance abuse, and overspending
  • Difficulty maintaining healthy long-term relationships
  • Intense and unpredictable moodiness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Inability to change behavior, despite multiple attempts

Even if a person were to turn to drugs and alcohol and later get help for their addiction, they may find that their recovery from addiction is difficult too. This is because if someone with Borderline Personality Disorder were using substances to manage their symptoms and then no longer have substances to rely upon, recovery might feel overwhelming when faced with the reality of their thoughts and feelings. This is precisely why borderline personality disorder treatment can help ease a person’s experience of recovery. Once the symptoms are being treated in a healthy way, then there will likely be less cravings for drugs and drinking.

Although Borderline Personality Disorder is not curable; it is manageable with treatment. Borderline Personality Disorder treatment can include a wide variety of modalities and a person may need to uncover what works best for them. In other words they may need to stay with a certain form of treatment until they see results in their life.

Borderline personality disorder treatment will likely include both psychotherapy as well as medication. Medication can help ease symptoms such as anxiety and depression, while the psychotherapy can explore any specific beliefs or thoughts that reflect a distorted self image in order to try to change it. Specific types of therapy can address the mental and behavioral aspects of the illness. These include Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These two therapies can help a person identify triggers that might lead to risky behaviors, develop new reactions to stress, and address underlying causes or belief systems that interfere with one’s functioning in life.

Borderline personality disorder treatment center typically include this combination of talk therapy and medication because it can help individuals return to normal functioning. If you have Borderline Personality Disorder and you’re in recovery, consider getting treatment for your illness if you haven’t already. It can ease your experience of recovery and strengthen your ability to stay sober.

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