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Will Anger Management Help Extreme Mood Swings?

Mood Swings

Different kinds of disorders and mental health issues can lead to problems with uncontrolled anger. When someone experiences extreme mood swings they may end up having feelings of rage from time to time that can negatively affect their relationships. Anger can be a natural emotion but when it becomes problematic and creates too many consequences then it may be time to seek help.

Anger issues can be a serious problem that can affect a person’s health, family life, friendships and even their job. If they find it difficult to control their feelings of anger they might have emotional outbursts from time to time that begin to hurt the people around them. If they can’t process or resolve their feelings of anger then they might turn to substance abuse, develop erratic behavior or even become violent.

When someone has a problem with anger it can stem from different issues and even specific mental health disorders. They could have issues with bipolar disorder, depression or a type of anger disorder. In most cases, working with a therapist and attending anger management groups can help them learn to minimize their issues with anger and reduce mood swings.

The Effects of Anger Disorders

It is helpful to understand that there are different types of anger disorders that can manifest anger in distinct ways. Many people who struggle with anger try to suppress their feelings, believing they are inappropriate which ultimately leads to outbursts. People with anger problems can experience forms of disorder like chronic anger, passive anger, overwhelmed anger, self-inflicted anger, judgemental anger and volatile anger.

People with issues like passive anger have a lot of repressed emotions that may show themselves through apathy or meanness and performing poorly at work or school. They may appear to be sabotaging themselves because they don’t know how to process or release their anger. They may not even realize they are angry until it comes out in different forms when dealing with others.

Some people may have more aggressive anger issues that can cause bouts of rage and even violent outbursts. Someone who has aggressive anger may understand that they are angry but have little insight into the roots of their feelings. They may have a lot of volatile or retaliatory anger that can lead to physical damage to property or other people.

The root of anger can be a number of things including a stressful environment, financial issues, family problems, suppressed emotions and even genetic factors. People who have parents with anger disorders may end up with the same issues as they become adults. Certain chemicals and hormones in the brain can also have an effect on whether someone develops anger issues or not.

Using Anger Management Skills

For someone who has an anger disorder or even mood swings from a mental illness, they will benefit from getting one on one treatment from a therapist or attending an anger management treatment center. In treatment, people with anger issues can learn strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy to overcome the negative thoughts that lead to angry outbursts. They can change the cycle of negativity and learn to cope with their emotions in healthier ways.

Anger management is a way to develop strategies to deal with life stresses, difficult situations, conflict, grief, trauma and other issues in a way that won’t lead to repressed and unresolved anger. People who stifle their emotions and don’t allow themselves to feel sadness, pain, and disappointment may find that their repression of these feelings reveals itself as anger. Their angry outbursts become the only way that they are able to cope with stress and other difficulties.

It can be helpful for people with anger issues to start learning what their triggers are so that they know what kind of circumstances cause them to become angry. When they know their triggers they will be better able to prepare themselves and cope with certain situations without allowing their anger to become a problem. They can develop more awareness of their physical and mental symptoms so that they can prevent feelings from escalating.

Therapists can provide a way for people with anger issues to talk about and learn to understand their emotions. They can also help teach specific skills and tools for people to utilize when they are in a situation where they may be triggered. Having these skills reduced instances of extreme anger and mood swings that may affect their relationships.

Getting treatment for anger can be crucial to improve a person’s health, connections with others and ability to function at work. Managing anger is an important life skill that can lead to better mental and physical health as well as closer relationships. If you think that you or someone you love may have an anger disorder or any other mental health issue then you should seek professional treatment.